First Eucharist
To prepare for First Eucharist, youth must have completed first grade in the Parish School of Religion at OLG, or another parish, or attend parochial school or be home schooled and be enrolled in PSR or a parochial school for second grade.
They must be seven years old by the time of First Eucharist.
They must attend Mass regularly with their family and have already shared in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation.
Since parents are the primary educators of their children in matters of faith, they are required to attend an informational meeting to hear how the parish will assist them in their role of preparing their child.
Each child as well as at least one parent, will attend the Jesus Day Retreat in April.
First Eucharist is shared with the youth of our parish as a group at a Sunday Mass in May.
Matthew Griffith 330-468-2194 ext 131 or