Sacrament of Marriage
With rare exception, it’s important to have a worship aid at your wedding – especially with the changes to the Mass that were enacted in December 2011. Under this heading, you’ll find two sample programs:
- One for a Marriage that takes place during Mass, and
- One for a Marriage that takes plact outside of Mass.
Please note that this is a worship aid and NOT a “program” (although you may include elements from a “program” – providing you don’t eliminate anything from the worship aid). As such, your worship aid should contain the acclamations that will be sung at your wedding:
- Psalm response
- Alleluia verse
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Memorial Acclamation
- Great Amen
- Lamb of God
Additionally, the worship aid should include reference to the hymn numbers from the hymnal – so that your guests may be fully, actively, and consciously involved in your wedding ceremony.
BE ADVISED that the copyright laws prevent you from printing the scripture readings in your worship aid; while you may reference a scriptural citation – you may NOT print the readings. Furthermore, the same copyright restrictions apply to hymnody. With regard to acclamations, Our Lady of Guadalupe parish has permission to include acclamations in one-time-use publications … such as your worship aid.