Parish School of Religion (PSR)

PSR/Confirmation Registration

The fee schedule per family is as follows:

One student – $60
Two students – $110
Three or more students – $150

For those that will be receiving sacraments this year – First Communion and Confirmation – There will be an additional $30 sacramental fee.

No family will be excluded from PSR programs due to the inability to pay a fee. Scholarships are available- please contact Matt for more information.

There is no family fee for catechists in the PSR program. Volunteers in the PSR rooms receive a 50% reduction in family PSR fees. Please contact Matt for opportunities to help in the PSR program for this year!

Looking forward to working with all of our OLG families, old and new!

If you have any further questions about the PSR program, please direct them to Matt Griffith.
