Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
Mass is livestreamed on
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at NOON
& Sunday at 10:30AM
Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day
You're invited to join us in celebration of our patroness!
Schedule of Events
Thursday, December 12: Feast Day Mass at 6:30pm
Saturday, December 14: Celebration Dinner
Tickets required for dinner
$10 per person or
$30 for a family of 3 or more
· dinner limited to 125 people ·
Register and purchase tickets here.
We ask each Our Lady of Guadalupe parishioner to prayerfully consider contributing to the Angel Scholarship Fund - a tax credit opportunity benefiting catholic education and St. Barnabas School students. Taxpayers may receive a 100% tax credit against their Ohio income tax liability for donations to an approved Scholarship Granting Organization, with a maximum credit of $750 ($1,500 for married couples filing jointly, when each spouse donates). What a wonderful opportunity to reduce tuition at no net cost to donors! Click here to learn more or here to contribute.
Wonder Wednesday
Join us on the OLG Facebook and OLG Instagram pages each week for all things Catholic in our parish.
It's Wonder Wednesday! As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, this fascinating mini-documentary of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin to Juan Diego and the miraculous facts of the Tilma will deepen your faith of Our Lady and Her messages of hope and peace. Watch here.
Coffee & Conversation
Welcome to Coffee & Conversation…the goal is to encourage women daily…to pray for each other who request prayer…to be a blessing and to add smiles along the way…stop by and say hello and share what is in your heart & on your mind… we strive to bring a bit of happiness with our support of each other…we hope you will share your experiences that may help someone who is going through the same thing… sharing Gods love for us, is our main focus.
Join us at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church from 10am-11am every Monday from Sept 9 to Dec 16.
For more info, contact Mary Leben at 216.780.6529.
Commemorative Bricks
Mark your special occasion by purchasing a commemorative brick at the Our Lady of Fatima Shrine here at OLG. Bricks are typically installed in 7-10 days.
Make your lasting message in celebration of, in memory of, in gratitude of, in honor of or just because! Order forms are in the periodical kiosk in the church narthex and on the link below.
Minimum donation per brick: $100
Please include donation with order. Proceeds benefit the OLG Groundskeeping Fund.
Update Contact
Click here to update your personal contact information.
Mass Schedule
Sunday - 8:30am & 10:30am
Saturday - 4:30pm Vigil Mass
Monday, Tuesday & Friday at 12noon
Office Hours
9am - 8pm Monday & Wednesday
9am - 4pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9:30am - 12pm on Sunday
Parish Staff Directory
To reach one of the parish staff, please click on any link below to contact them by email.
- Fr. James Kulway, Parish Administrator
330-468-2194, Ext. 124 - Fr. Pat Aborde, Parochial Vicar
330-468-2194, Ext. 121 - Deacon David Govern, Permanent Deacon
- Jacqueline Cackowski, Administrative Assistant
- Tom Desko, Office Manager
- Donald Grabowy, Director of Music Ministry
- Matthew Griffith, Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry
- Cynthia Holub, Secretary
- Sheila Raia, Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator
- Karen Scolaro, Maintenance
Parish Calendar
Click on the button below to see our parish events. If your event/activity is not listed, please contact Jackie Cackowski.
OLG Year-End Financial Report 2023
Click on the button below to read the year-end financial report.