Assistance for those coping with the loss of a loved one.
Funeral Hospitality
Gathering as family to mourn the loss of a loved one is an important part of the grieving process. After having celebrated the promises of our God at the funeral Mass, and after having laid a loved one to rest, it is important to gather to celebrate the life and love shared with us by the one who has recently died. The funeral hospitality group works to insure that a grieving family need not worry about details of such a gathering. A contact person speaks directly with the family and determines the menu the family wishes. From that point on, the funeral hospitality group takes over and provides: setup, ordering, and bakery; serving the meal and its cleanup is also handled by the group. The only expense to the family is the cost of the luncheon trays, and other items they may request. This labor of love is possible because of the extreme generosity of so many. Assistance with setup, serving, cleanup and baking are all appreciated. Those wishing to be a part of this ministry, but who cannot be present because of work schedules, are invited to provide bakery for the luncheon. At present, bakers are called upon two-to-three times a year to provide some type of dessert.
Contact: Parish Office – 330.468.2194
Ministry to the Homebound
Trained Eucharistic Ministers may volunteer to take Holy Communion to the Homebound.
Contact: Fr. Kevin Shemuga – 330.468.2194 x24
Pro-life Mission
Those involved in this ministry seek to promote a greater respect for all human life. Planned activities include pro-life prayer services in January, to commemorate the Roe vs. Wade decision and in October for Respect Life month. Also, a carnation sale is held yearly on Mother’s Day weekend with proceeds benefiting Akron Right to Life. Additionally, in January 2004, there will be a collection taken up for the Priests-for-Life organization that works ardently to promote respect for Life. All are welcome and encouraged to pray with us and join in activities. Pro-life prayer booklets, including petitions are available.
Contact: Luise Kress – 330.468.2194
Ministry for those in Need
(Formerly affiliated with St. Vincent dePaul National)
The Ministry For Those In Needy is an organization of Catholic lay people dedicated to assisting the needy. The group’s objectives are:
- To live out Jesus’ Gospel message of love in their own lives
- To personally serve those in need by extending comfort, friendship, and financial assistance.
In addition to meeting the pressing needs of the poor in our community, the group sponsors: Blanket Sunday, the Advent Angel Giving Tree, Bundle Sunday, food and clothing drives, a back to school supplies drive, and other events The group also regularly volunteers at the Ozanam Center (a local food, clothing, and furniture bank).
The confidentiality of those who receive assistance from the Ministry For Those In Need is strictly protected.
New members are always welcome!
Contact: 330.468.2194, Option 4