Adult Education
Various programs are offered for continuing religious education of adults. Contact Nancy Freibott if you have suggestions of programs and/or topics. Watch for announcements in the bulletin.
Contact: Nancy Freibott – 330.468.2194 x23
Baptism Program
Special instruction and preparation for the parents of children receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. Parents who are expecting a baby or planning to have a child baptized should contact the Parish Office to find out when the next Baptism class will be offered.
Contact: Nancy Freibott – 330.468.2194 x23
Family Planning (Natural)
NFP can be used to achieve or postpone a pregnancy. This method of family planning is scientifically based, highly effective and acknowledges God’s plan for married love.
Contact: Marriage & Family Office – 216.696.6525
Parish School of Religion (PSR/CCD)
Religion classes are held for children from pre-school through high school. There is a need for people to train as PSR teachers or to serve as substitutes. Classes are held Sunday mornings, and Monday evenings (every grade does NOT meet every day or at every time).
Contact: Katie Drager 330.468.2194 x131
St. Barnabas School
St. Barnabas School – Excellent quality elementary education for grades Kindergarten through 8. .
Contact: Kimberly Browning, Principal – 330.467.7921
Kathy Friess, Assistant Principal
Sponsor Couple Program
An engaged couple meets with a sponsor couple, in their home, a number of times for marriage preparation. To be eligible to share in this ministry, you need to have been married for at least five years, and you need to have been married in the church.
Contact: Fr. Kevin
Vacation Bible School
One week summer program for children entering grades K – 5. Help needed: teaching, crafts, music, refreshments, recreation.
Contact: Katie Drager – 330.468.2194 x131
Wednesday Morning Bible Sharing
Nancy Freibott conducts a Bible Study on Wednesdays at 9:15 A.M. during the academic year. Please check the bulletin for further details.